On Friday, India’s benchmark BSE gained so far as 2.74 %., it’s high record. With this hope that the opposition BJP(Bharatiya Janata Party) would win a best part in the election next week result, sending blue chips such as ICICI Bank sharply higher. It’s previous record high of 22,939.31, it was hit on 25th April and now the index gained so far as 2.74 % to 22,955.99. The NSE (National Stock Exchange) banking sub indexing increasing as much as 4.4 % with record high, with banking stocks were the leading gainers. ICICI was trading up 5.71% at Rs. 1363 & Hindalco rose 5.64% to Rs. 144.15. Dr. Reddy among the losers, fell 0.86% to Rs. 22715.10. BSE tips
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On Friday, India’s benchmark BSE gained so far as 2.74 %., it’s high record. With this hope that the opposition BJP(Bharatiya Janata Party) would win a best part in the election next week result, sending blue chips such as ICICI Bank sharply higher.
It’s previous record high of 22,939.31, it was hit on 25th April and now the index gained so far as 2.74 % to 22,955.99.
The NSE (National Stock Exchange) banking sub indexing increasing as much as 4.4 % with record high, with banking stocks were the leading gainers. ICICI was trading up 5.71% at Rs. 1363 & Hindalco rose 5.64% to Rs. 144.15.
Dr. Reddy among the losers, fell 0.86% to Rs. 22715.10.
BSE tips
NSE and BSE tips play a very important role in share trading. Share Tips India are incomplete without NSE BSE Tips.
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